
Yowza! The Prowler is reporting that CBS received the Bush national guard memos from the Kerry campaign. Oh, if this could prove true! See ya JFK!
The CBS producer said that some alarms bells went off last week when the signatures and initials of Killian on the documents in hand did not match up with other documents available on the public record, but producers chose to move ahead with the story. "This was too hot not to push. If there were doubts, those people didn't show it," says the producer, who works on a rival CBS News program.

This is a case of the mainstream media (MSM) outhustled by citizen journalists, according to the New York Post.

Threshold-55 notes that the MSM is now going the bait-and-switch route with the Bush memos and Bush's piloting abilities.

A Threshold -55 examination of the Chicago Tribune website reveals that the newspaper appears to have quietly removed all references to a September 10th front page article that called into question President Bush's military service during Vietnam. The article, "Questions Raised About Bush Guard Service" has been completely replaced with a new article titled, "Bush Piloted Guard Trainers Before He Quit". The new one tries to paint the President as a poor flyer who frequently required multiple approaches to land his jet.

Now the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian's wife is doubting the authenticity of the memos.

Is the evil genious Karl Rove to blame? LOL


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