Thus if the Democrats lose the next election, they must confront the bitter fact that the House, the Senate, the presidency, and soon the Supreme Court are lost � and lost mostly to the dominant influence of their most vocal and wealthy supporters in Hollywood, the universities, the media, and the foundations who have privileged an agenda that is out of touch with most of those whom they never see nor wish to see.
Victor Davis Hanson: Brace Yourself
The Free Republic is reporting more bad news for Dan Rather and CBS.
Staudt has came forward and refuted every word of the docs
More here from ABC News.
The Swifties are back with ad #5
Charles Krauthammer: Nowhere Left to Flop
The central vulnerability of this president -- the central issue of this campaign -- is the Iraq war. And Kerry has nothing left to say.
Bandit's Hideout: Bill Burkett Admits in Aug. he 'Reassembled' Bush Files
ACE points out that the 504th will be heading back to Afghanistan in the spring of 2005. This is a seperate deployment from the one meant to support Afghanistan's elections in October.
The question Dan Rather did not ask Marian Carr Knox. One-click emailing to CBS shareholders
New York Times (requires registration): Memos on Bush Are Fake but Accurate, Typist Says
Me: Gloves planted but belong to OJ, says Furman.
Roger L. Simon: No Wonder OJ is Running Around Free
27% actually believe the CBS memos are authentic. Think about that the next time you consider having a jury trial.
From Allah Is In The House...
If Edward R. Murrow wasn't already dead, he'd kill himself.
Now I understand the whole "what's the frequency, Dan" thing.
This web browser business must not be as easy as Microsoft-bashers believe it to be. 10 Security Flaws Found in Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird.
Strategy Page: Money Is Ammo in Iraq
"CERP fills that gap, and even small amounts can buy goodwill. In mid-July, I went on a foot patrol in Baghdad with another 1st Cavalry Division unit. One of the officers told me the Cav had experimented with a 'designated spender' on foot patrols. A soldier would spend 10 bucks while on patrol, buying food in a souk or a toy from a store. The food would then be donated to a food bank and the toys given to kids. Unfortunately, the troops spent their own money. To use appropriated funds, another officer later told me, was practically impossible, 'unless the funds are CERP. With CERP, a soldier signs a receipt (for the money), then the patrol generates a little local economic activity.' " A False Ad About Assault Weapons
"This latest ad from Moveon PAC is about as misleading as it can be. Through words, graphics and sound effects, it invites viewers to think that the expiration of the ban on 19 semiautomatic assault weapons will allow people legally to buy fully automatic machine guns that can fire 'up to 300 rounds per minute.' That's false.
It has been illegal to buy a machine gun without federal clearance since 1934, and remains so.
The ad also claims that Bush 'will let the assault weapon ban expire,' which is misleading. In fact, Bush spoke in support of the ban during his campaign four years ago and his spokesman said as recently as May of last year that he still supported it. It was Congress that failed to consider extending the ban and didn't present Bush with a bill to sign."
The Big One: Not if, but when.
"New Orleans would face the future with most of its housing stock and historic structures destroyed. Hotels, office buildings and infrastructure would be heavily damaged. Tens of thousands of people would be dead and many survivors homeless and shellshocked. Rebuilding would be a formidable challenge even with a generous federal aid package."
Dave Winer makes me want to scream!
"As voters, the most expedient way to tell the world we know we fucked up is to get rid of Bush, now that we have a chance to. Rush Limbaugh and his dittoheads won't like this, but a vote for Bush is a vote for the Islamic Revolution. He's their best guy (hey he gave them Iraq)."
Wizbang! is On The Trail Of The Forger
The End of 'Network News'
"After this summer, Americans will no longer see network news in quite the same way. The network owners may not fully understand this. Even if they do, there is little evidence that they care."